Characterize - significado y definición. Qué es Characterize
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Qué (quién) es Characterize - definición

v. (d; tr.) ('to describe') to characterize as (he can be characterized as a fanatic)
v. a.
Distinguish, designate, mark.
Describe, set forth the character of, specify the peculiarities of.
(characterizes, characterizing, characterized)
Note: in BRIT, also use 'characterise'
If something is characterized by a particular feature or quality, that feature or quality is an obvious part of it. (FORMAL)
This election campaign has been characterized by violence...
A bold use of colour characterizes the bedroom.
VERB: be V-ed by n, V n
If you characterize someone or something as a particular thing, you describe them as that thing. (FORMAL)
Both companies have characterized the relationship as friendly...
= describe
VERB: V n as adj/n
Ejemplos de pronunciación para Characterize
1. characterizes Chhiring.
Buried in the Sky _ Peter Zuckerman _ Talks at Google
2. How do you characterize
3. best characterizes the probability
The Maths of Life and Death _ Kit Yates _ Talks at Google
4. What characterizes sentient beings
5. to characterize, describe,
Ejemplos de uso de Characterize
1. Q:'4; Would you characterize –– would you characterize him as your best hope right now for verifying what, if anything, is true about Iran‘s claims?
2. Q:В Would you characterize -- would you characterize him as your best hope right now for verifying what, if anything, is true about Irans claims?
3. How would you characterize bilateral relations between Israel and Japan?
4. How would you characterize the current situation in Western Darfur?
5. QUESTION:В You dont want to characterize the Iranian move?